Welcome to Reception

Meet the Reception Team

Mrs Baker
Class Teacher
Mrs Ilngworth
Teaching Assistant (Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays)
Mrs Akhtar
Teaching Assistant (Tuesdays & Wednesdays)

Every day your child needs to bring:

  • A water bottle

  • Book bag

  • A coat


Overview of an Average Day


Arrival and time to settle in.


Register and introduction to today’s learning.


Morning learning including phonics, snack and a review of the morning’s learning.




After handwashing and toilets, lunch in the hall.


Play time with Year 1 and 2.


Afternoon register and introduction to afternoon’s learning.


Adult-led/independent learning.


Getting ready for home and story time.


Our Outside Area and Classroom

Our Learning

This term our topic is: 'All about me' & 'Storytelling'.

Contacting the Reception Team

We are available for a quick chat at the end of the school day, or you can contact the office with anything urgent (such as absence). If you would prefer to contact Mrs Baker directly, you can do so on the Reception email below – just remember this isn’t always checked daily and may take a few days for a response.

Any class queries can be directed to - office@bramley.surrey.sch.uk, which Mrs Voice will direct onto Mrs Baker who will then respond to.

Any urgent queries can be directed to - office@bramley.surrey.sch.uk, which Mrs Voice will respond to.