School Meals

Cooked School Meals

Caterlink via Surrey Commercial Services provide our school meals.

As part of the lunchtime offer in Surrey Schools they provide:

  • A two course traditional meal

  • A vegetarian option

  • A jacket potato option

  • Special dietary requirements

  • A choice of desserts including cheese & biscuits, yoghurt or fruit (fresh, dried or tinned).

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are at present entitled to universal free school meals. Nursery and Pre-School children can also have the same two course nutritionally balanced meal for the cost of £2.75 per day and must be paid for in advance. You will need an activation letter from the school office to enable you to access your child's on-line lunch payment site: Meal choices need to be made online at least a week in advance by parents and should be paid for online via SCOPay. If you have a smart phone, you can also download the SCOPay app.


Dietary Requirements

Please inform us of any allergies with an accompanying doctor’s letter to confirm any requirements. Below is the allergy form from Caterlink that needs to be completed and returned to the Office team at your earliest convenience so that the catering team have time to organise a suitable menu for your child. A special menu for a child with allergies can take up to 6 weeks to put into place. Therefore, you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch until the specialist menu is agreed. Please note that the form does not need to be complete for lifestyle choices such as veganism or religious dietary choices. 


Cool Milk

Every child that is under 5 is entitled to free milk for their snack time from the school. Once your child is over 5, it is still possible for them to have milk, but parents must pay for it. If you would like to sign your child up to have milk with their fruit at snack time, please follow this link: