Our Christian Vision and Values
"Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path." Psalm 119(105)
Our School's Vision:
Rooted in Christian values
Seek within
Wonder why
Reach out
Aim high
How we learn is as important as what we learn and we want our learning to be engaging, enjoyable and meaningful. Everyone, children and adults, in the school community is a learner.
As a fully inclusive Church of England Infant School our values are interconnected to the Church and Jesus' teaching of Christian values and reflect the aims and aspirations we have for all children.
The following six Christian values are the values which we feel permeate through the school every day and for the children we explain them through the Jesus' teaching and explore one in depth each half term:
Autumn term 1: |
Spring term 1: |
Summer term 1: |
Friendship David and Jonathan:1 Samuel 18 Ruth and Naomi :Book of Ruth Jesus’ friends- calling the disciples. Book of Matthew and Mark |
Perseverance Jesus in the desert: Matthew 4:1-11 Mark 1:12-13 Luke 4:1-13. The lost sheep: Luke 15:1-7 and Matthew 18:12-14 The precious coin: Luke 15: 8-10 |
Truthfulness Jesus in front of Pontius Pilate: Matthew 27 Joseph and his brothers: Genesis 42-45 Story of blind Bartimaeus: John 9 |
Autumn term 2: |
Spring term 2: |
Summer term 2: |
Respect The Good Samaritan: Luke 10 v25-27 Story of Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 Treat others as you wish to be treated: Luke 6v31 |
Koinonia Jesus calling the disciples: Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 5:1-11, and Mark 1:16-20. story link Elisha and the widow: 2Kings 4 v1-7 Crucifixion and resurrection: Matthew 27-28, Mark 15-16, Luke 23-24, John 19-20 |
Courage Story of Joshua: Joshua 1 Jesus praying in the garden of gethsemane: Matthew 26v31-75, John 18 v1-8 Story of Esther: Book of Esther |
Garden of Values
In the main corridor we have our Garden of Values display. At the centre of the display is the school and Psalm 119 “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Within the garden are symbols that represent the Holy Trinity, all stakeholders and visitors, Christian and British values, learning behaviours and emotions. Our Christian values are represented by a rainbow – friendship, respect, perseverance, koinonia, truthfulness and courage. The garden shows how everything links and impacts on what is in the garden. God is the sun and the staff and parents are rain and water, each helps the trees and plants (the children, values and emotions) to flourish and grow.
British Values
The British Values of democracy, mutual respect, tolerance, rule of law and individual liberty are part of our Garden of Values display and taught throughout our curriculum.
Ofsted Noted
The school’s Christian and moral values are threaded through the school. Pupils develop strong spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills. They learn how to maintain healthy, active lifestyles. They are well-prepared for life in modern Britain (March 2019).
Collective Worship Overview Autumn Term 2023
Collective Worship Overview Spring Term 2024