Nursery and Pre-School
Bramley Pre-School and Nursery are an integral part of Bramley C of E Infant School.
The Pre-School has a dedicated class teacher and nursery practitioners. The Nursery is staffed and led by qualified nursery nurses.
Having a full time, fully trained staff enables the children to have Quality First Teaching from an early age which enables the children to make rapid progress academically and socially, which carries on through the school.
The Pre-School and Nursery are sited together in their own department within the main school. They have two large, bright classrooms, their own facilities and access to their own playground. The children also make use of the whole site including the hall, their outside environment, the field and the wooded area. Our goal is to ensure that your child's learning is a very happy one and we follow the School's ethos of recognising each child's individuality in our approach to care.
The key person approach
To view the Pre-School and/or Nursery, please make an appointment with the school office for a tour.
"Children get off to an excellent start in the early years because of the high quality of care and nurture they receive."
Ofsted March 2019